Informed Consent Matters:

Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics, has submitted opposition letters to California Senate Bill 871 (SB 871) and Assembly Bill 2098 (AB 2098) because informed consent matters.

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Informed Consent Matters

FROM: Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC)
TO: California Legislators
RE: SB 871

Informed Consent Matters - Oppose SB871

Unethical and Unscientific

“It is both unethical and unscientific to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine on any population, but coercing parents to indiscriminately vaccinate their children or lose the right to send them to school is antithetical to the health of California’s children and antithetical to a free society.”

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FROM: Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC)
TO: California Legislators
RE: AB 2098

Informed Consent Matters - Oppose AB 2098

Silences Doctors

“Without California doctors being free to speak their mind and educate the public… the public will not be able to obtain their doctors’ honest opinion—because doctors who think and act differently from the contemporary ‘applicable standard of care’ will fear losing their medical license.”

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California Democrats Draft 10 Bad Bills…
Here’s What You Need To Know!

SB 871: Requires all children ages 0 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend daycare or school. NO EXCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED.

SB 866: Lowers the age of consent to 12 for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine without a parent’s permission.

SB 920: Authorizes the medical board to inspect medical records without a patient’s consent. It violates HIPPA laws.

SB 1464: Forces law enforcement to enforce public health orders.

SB 1479: Requires schools to continue COVID testing and create long-term testing plans.

SB 1390: Censors any social media posts that contradict the government’s narrative.

SB 1184: Allows the authorization to disclose a child’s medical records to a school-linked coordinator without the parent’s consent.

AB 1797: Give government agencies access to all vaccine records in addition to students.

AB 1993: Requires all employees in California to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

AB 2098: Classifies any opinion contrary to the CDC’s as “misinformation” and unprofessional conduct that could result in disciplinary action.

The HighWire with Del Bigtree Full Episode: California Screamin'

California Governor Gavin Newsom:
"As California goes, so goes the nation."

Did You Notice That?
This Is Not Just About California…

Aside from Gavin Newsom reminding us, “As California goes, so goes the nation,” notice what Del Bigtree mentioned in the “California Screamin'” documentary.

Did you catch it…

This legislative tyranny is reportedly progressing in the chambers of a number of different states.

Stay informed.

This is not just about California.

Attorney Thomas Renz Reveals DMED Data Provided By U.S. Military Whistleblowers

Attorney Tom Renz at Senator Ron Johnson’s panel: Covid-19: A Second Opinion

Attorney Tom Renz revealed Whistleblower information from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) which showed a radical increase in injury to military personnel since the Covid-19 vaccine injections were demanded of the U.S. Military.


Renz Whistleblowers DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries Across the Board

279% SPIKE in Miscarriages
487% SPIKE in Breast Cancer
1048% SPIKE in the Nervous System
155% SPIKE in Birth Defects
350% SPIKE in Male Infertility
369% SPIKE in Testicular Cancer
2181% SPIKE in Hypertension
664% SPIKE in Malignant Neoplasms
680% SPIKE in Multiple Sclerosis
551% SPIKE in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
468% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism
302% SPIKE in Tachycardia
452% SPIKE in Migraines
471% SPIKE in Female Infertility
437% SPIKE in Ovarian Dysfunction
269% SPIKE in Myocardial infarction
291% SPIKE in Bell’s palsy
467% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism

Attorney Tom Renz further revealed:
“The Whistleblower data, this DMED database, has provided a control group of sorts. It’s military records dating back several years that supply medical codes for various medical issues that our military face such as cancers, miscarriages, neurological disorders etc. These records provided by three military doctors, heroes in my world, show a historical baseline of what the health of the American military was like before 2021, the year the Covid vaccine was released. What you see is quite disturbing. From 2016 to 2020 all variations of medical conditions stay consistent. But in 2021, when the variable of the vaccine is mandated, the spike in cancers, miscarriages, infertility, you name it, jumps by factors of hundreds to thousands of percent. Let me be crystal clear. These vaccines are injuring and sometimes even killing our military, and those in the public that are buying the ‘safe and effective’ marketing. These numbers prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

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